The Wonderful World of Voice 


The Wonderful World of Voice provides content for educational and informational purposes only. Content in this membership is in no way to be construed as financial or legal advice, psychological counseling, individual therapy, mental health, or specific medical advice to individuals. 

Anyone choosing to implement any information in our content or services should obtain prior clearance from a licensed business professional or licensed medical, healthcare, or mental health professional to determine that the information is appropriate and useful for them. 

Melanie Tapson is providing services only in the capacity as a registered Speech Language Pathologist and Singing Voice Specialist voice teacher. Nothing in our content or services is intended to be a substitute for consultation, diagnosis, treatment, or other financial, legal, medical, or mental health advice from a licensed business professional or licensed medical or mental health professional who can review and advise you on your specific situation. Do not disregard any medical or mental health advice, stop taking medications, stop any treatments, or delay seeking professional medical, healthcare, or mental health advice based on any information in our content or services.

Nothing in our content or services is a guarantee or promise of results or future earnings. Melanie Tapson Voice Care owns all copyrights to the materials presented here unless otherwise noted. 


Last updated:Ā August 1 2023


If You have any questions about this Privacy Policy, You can contact Us:

  • By email: [email protected]

  • By mail: Melanie Tapson Voice Care, 107 Hamilton St Toronto ON CANADA